Sell your condos faster and for more

Attract new buyers to your building and increase the value per square foot with smart living and amenities from 1VALET.

Trusted by the best

We help you sell for more

Charge More Per Sq Foot

Add value to your new development and charge more per square foot.

Attract New Buyers

Attract new buyer demographics and secure the highest premium on your suites.

Reduce infrastructure costs

Get all the benefits of a connected smart building without the large infrastructure cost.

Trusted by Condo Developers to boost engagement and increase their value per square foot.

Charge more per square foot

Secure the highest premium on your suites by offering buyers the luxury and convenience of a smart living experience.


    Unparallelled control


    Eliminate missed deliveries


    Ditch keys forever


    Improve guest access

Attract more buyers and boost marketability

Add appeal and set your properties apart and with an innovative resident living experience.


    Go beyond the basics


    Stand out from the competition


    Security they can count on


    Built for tomorrow, and beyond

Keep smart buildings simple

Get all the benefits of a smart building solution without paying a fortune for costly wiring or infrastructure requirements.

Leverage Wi-Fi

Our Wi-Fi-based platform makes 1VALET a more cost-effective solution for every building type.

  • Eliminates costly building or in-unit wiring
  • Provides building-wide connectivity without in-suite hubs

Choose your hardware

Commercial API integrations let you choose from a broad selection of hardware, rather than tying you into one brand.

  • Integrations with smart door locks, thermostats, access control and more
  • Hardware solutions tailored to your building’s specific needs

Install without fuss

New build or retrofit, outfitting your is building fast and easy.

  • No costly infrastructure or in-suite hubs
  • Video intercom only requires connection to power and internet

Update software automatically

Cloud-based software that keeps you up-to-date with the latest features.

  • Stay ahead of the curve with new feature additions
  • Ensures the longevity of your investment

Smart buildings made simple.

We have a solution for every building – big or small, new or retrofit.